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Petland Nashville
Petland Murfreesboro
December 20, 2018
It may not always be the best thing to needlessly reward your pup for just being cute, but it happens. After all, just looking at the adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgis for sale is probably how you ended up being an owner.
If we were to reward our pets on looks alone with verbal praise or through sparking up a game, that would be acceptable, across the board. Unfortunately, our reward system can be detrimental to their health when we are giving them edible rewards. Even though their good behavior warrants good treatment, they can start to pack on the pounds. After all, if we are giving our Corgis more calories than they can burn off, the expectation is that they’d gain weight. Right?
At any rate, we want our pups to be healthy and trim and it’s not always easy to tell. They are short and stout naturally and their fluffy hair makes them look pudgy, too. To aid in your discernment, here are three signs that one of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies for sale that you bought is now overweight.
‘Tis true that each breed has its own unique shape and dietary requirements, but all breeds should have a certain level of definition. Considering that Pembrokes have a deep rib cage and only a slight tuck at the loin, you can still see a difference. If you seem to notice that there’s more width than normal to your pup, that is a sign of obesity.
We know. Corgis have long bodies, like Dachshunds, and it can sometimes cause problems. With a normal and healthy weight, your pup should have no problems grooming herself. If she’s unable to relieve some ear itchiness with her legs, she is more than likely chunkier than she should be.
Much like with humans, if we’re overweight the slightest bit of movement that remotely resembles exercise can cause us to pant and get out of breath fairly quickly. Have you noticed any of this behavior? Sans extremely hot climates, your pup shouldn’t be overly exerted so easily. If you see this pattern, your dog is likely overweight.