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Petland Nashville
Petland Murfreesboro
January 29, 2018
With busy schedules and after school activities, adding a puppy to the mix may seem like a bit much. At Petland Nashville, we understand that puppies require love and attention, so we want to help your family make this big decision. Here are five ways to tell your children are ready for you to buy a puppy.
A family pet is a family decision. Everyone needs to be onboard with having a puppy, because the responsibility of taking care of the puppy will be shared. Sit down as a family and allow everyone to share how they feel about having a puppy. Be sure to discuss the responsibilities as well, which includes feeding, walking, cleaning, and most importantly loving the puppy.
If your family is planning on buying a puppy, take a Saturday trip to Petland and meet the puppies and friendly staff. Let the kids have time to interact with the in-store puppies, and ask any questions you may have about pet ownership.
As your children grow, they will begin to understand the world and gain a sense of empathy. When your children begin to express an interest in the well being of animals, they are ready to learn the responsibilities of pet ownership.
The routine tasks such as feeding, walking, and bathing a puppy will come in handy later in life. At Petland, we believe that the children of today are the pet owners of tomorrow.
If your children’s friends all have pets, your children can greatly benefit from the shared experience of pet ownership. Children learn through relating, so your children should not be the only ones without a pet.
While technology is a great tool for communication and efficiency, today’s children get far too much exposure to computers, tablets, and cell phones. Increased technology use usually results in a sedentary lifestyle. Having a puppy encourages children to put the phone down and get outside to play.
If your children are excelling in school, what better way to reward them than a surprise trip to Petland to buy a puppy! Good grades deserve creative rewards and your children will be thrilled when they visit Petland and interact with the wide selection of puppies.