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Petland Nashville
Petland Murfreesboro
April 6, 2018
Their strong, muscular body and black and brown coat commands your attention. Beyond the surface of their stunning appearance, you want to keep proper care of their health, which in turn reflects how beautiful their coats radiate. We’ve compiled some 5 tips for you to incorporate when you’re feeding your Rottie puppy.
For starters, dogs are a creature of habit. They thrive best when a routine is part of their daily schedule. This means it’s necessary to stick to a routine when it comes to feeding them. For adult dogs, the best time for meals is during breakfast time in the morning and dinnertime at night.
Your Rottie puppy should always have a proper balance of the six basic food nutrients. They are carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, water, fats, and vitamins. Your Rottie puppy will display signs of deficiency if these essential nutrients are not available. They can and should be fed 2 or 3 times a day to prevent bloat. Give your Rottweiler a ration of 4 or 5 small meals a day until she’s about a year old.
As a general rule of thumb, Rottie puppy food is changed to adult food when he has reached almost 90 of its body weight. As with any dog, this shift in diet should be gradual and carefully executed, to allow your Rottweiler’s digestive system to get used to the change of food. The change should take place over a span of five to seven days. Below, follow one of the two guidelines to gradually changing your Rottie puppy’s diet:
Rottweilers are classified as carnivores, just like any other dogs. They absolutely love to consume meat. Should you decide to satisfy your Rottie puppy’s carnivorous desires, it is best to give him raw meat. Be sure that the meat is clean and not contaminated, to mitigate any resulting illnesses or diseases.
You can always tell if you’re feeding your Rottie puppy a proper diet, based on their lustrous coat. Happy dogs are those that are active and have proper nutrition. Those without the aforementioned will get sick easily and disconnected with their surroundings. The Rottie puppy diet should include sufficient amounts of carbohydrate food sources like protein from meat, and cereals, together with salt, vegetables, animal oil, and other sources of vitamins and minerals.
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